11. Under arrest!

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Author pov

The birds are chirping indicating it's early in the morning. A ray of sunlight fell on Izna from the window distrubing her sleep. She tried to open her eyes slowly still in half asleep. She felt some weight on her waist and someone's presence besides her. She opened her eyes in half sleep and looked beside her.

She blinked her eyes multiple times not understanding the situation. After processing everything she opened her eyes widely adjusting the blurriness. She thought in her mind

'Hell! How did this happen? How I am here, in his arms?! So close to him. Almost I am lying on his chest'

Kiaan and Izna were sleeping in each others arms, his hands were resting on her waist and her head on his chest. Izna was sleeping on his biceps close to his heart. She gulped looking at the sight and thought wasn't she was sleeping close to end of the bed.

She tried to get up from him. Kiaan felt some movements around him. He growled and muttered something in his sleep.

Izna frightened as he can wake up anytime soon and can see them in this awkward position she closed her eyes tightly thinking

'Oh my god! What will he think of me, why everytime this awkward things happens with he will think I deliberately came towards him shoot, what will I do now. What if he get angry?'

Her body was shivering not because of freezing but because of anxiety of getting caught. She was thinking all this while her eyes were blinking because of fear she tightly closed her eyes to prevent them from blinking uncontrollably suddenly her breath hitched when she felt someone's fingers on her eyes

"Do not pressurize your eyes like this" he said in his morning rough husky voice

She opened her eyes slowly embarrassingly and looked upwards. Kiaan was resting his one elbow on his head and was turned completely towards her. She gulped looking the Predatory eyes of him and a devilish smirk on his lips

Kiaan pov

I was sleeping soundlessly but felt some movements around me. I opened my eyes lazily and stopped breathing for a minute because of this breathtaking scene infront of my eyes making my morning blessed. Seeing her sleeping once again besides me, close to me, in my arms feels good and felt like it made my entire day.

I felt her shivering and thought she must be feeling cold. I got up a little to cover her from the comforter to prevent her from freezing. I saw her eyes blinking non stop. I understand the whole scenario and low chuckled left because of her childishness.

I rested my hand on the head and lie to the dashboard of the bed. She is looking cute under me. I looked at her face keenly, my eyes moved towards her lips which were looking tempting right now. Her pink round shaped plump lips looking so kissable right now. I won't mind waking up like this every morning

I shrugged off my crazy wild thoughts. I moved my eyes upwards to look into her eyes which were still blinking continuously. I touched her eyes and said in sleepy voice.

We looked directly into eachother eyes. I was smirking because I caught her red handed. She closed her eyes tightly once again

"I told you na, don't pressurize your eyes" I once again told her strictly

"Wo-wo mai" she blabbered

(Th-that me)

"Uhm-hmm I am listening" I don't know why I wanted to tease her more, her flushed cheeks, messed hairs and nervousness dripping from her voice making me hard to control me to burst out laugh as I don't want to make her more embarrass

"I-I didn't know how-how I came here. I am sorry. I didn't came here intentionally" she said while biting her lips which was looking more alluring. My urge to kiss her right now is magnetic. I gulped my dried Saliva as I said

"You shouldn't bite your lips like that, if they are aching you can ask me. My way will diminish the appealing"

"Hnn?" She asked making me come out of my delusional crazy thoughts because I know it's impossible. We are never going kiss. I can't let this all happen. I can't get attract towards her neither I should create false hope in our relation

"We are sleeping in the middle of the bed it's neither your nor my fault" I said straight in my harsh tone and went towards bathroom to got up to freshen up as I had alot of things to finish.

I came out of bathroom wearing formals and no one is presence in the room. She must have left the room I thought and shrugged of thinking 'none of my concern'

I came and met Babasaheb and everyone. We all had breakfast together and talked about politics and tomorrow's opening ceremony.

"First let's finish this wedding and then tomorrow early morning let's do opening ceremony. Afterwards let's get depart to our mansion" Babasaheb said and we all agreed

Ayush signalled me. We both went behind the haveli. As we reached I asked him

"Everything okay?"

"It's bad" he said. I frowned not understanding anything


"Someone hacked Rakshit's system" I sighed deeply hearing it

"Who do you think?" I asked him referring if he can guess anyone who's behind it. Because Rakshit himself is an hacker. He knows computer programming excellently.

"Not sure. But he said it must be blaze" he said and no doubt she is the only one behind it. She amuse us everytime with her cleverness

"Well he is working on it. Another bad news is that traitor is still not found"

He said and all things are getting messed up.

"We need to wrap up this all things quickly" I told him because having traitor from the mafia side who is against of us is not a good thing. He can END our chapter if we didn't find him and kill him.

"Anyways Sid said there is some information related to it go and visit him now" I said. Sidharth is our another trusted man from mafia world. I was about to go

"Hell NO man. I am not going. Don't you know today evening there is a wedding in the haveli. I want to enjoy all the dhik chik dhik chik" he said getting offended and last part while doing the dhinkachika pose. THE SALLU BHAI POSE

(dance & fun😭)

I smacked his head and said "fucking idiot go and get the information"

"Ahh fuck not that word" he said while rubbing his palm on his head. I laughed as I know why he is getting offended by the term 'idiot'

"Saale hass kyu raha hai, it's not because of her" he said I nodded my head while controlling my laugh

(Idiot why are you laughing,)

"Who her? I didn't took anyone's name" he glared at him

"Don't you think you are laughing too much nowadays. Showing a lot of emotions other than that old cliché cold behaviour of youri" he said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Lagta hai Bhabhi ka asar hai?" He asked mischievously.

(Is it because of sister-in-law?)

"Shut up and go" I said went out but heard his voice

"Not now tonight in the evening" he yelled as we are in some distant

"Fine. But don't forget and inform him once" I yelled back at him

I went back to my room no one was there. I shrugged my thoughts took my laptop and went to study room of the haveli which was specially for us.

I did some research about the traitor and blaze. A thought came to my mind what if this blaze and traitor are same person or they both are connected.

After hours of research in disbelief for not finding anything relevant I took my phone out and called Rakshit

"Yupp brother" heard his tired voice. He also must be finding everything

"Did you find who is behind of hacking your system"

"Not exactly but yes. Hey you have your laptop right?" He asked me suddenly

"Yeah. Was searching but couldn't find anythin helpful"

"She is smart" he stated

"Too much" I agreed

"Can you try to login my system in your laptop?" He asked me

"Will try. Tell me the passwords" I asked him. He told me after several attempts and hours it did not unlocked.

"No use" I said in disbelief and heard 'fuck' he is frustrated, so was me too as we both are trying to find from the morning continuously and it's already 5 in the evening

"Try another program" he asked suddenly. I hummed

I did as he said and it took us another 30 minutes. The program was ready now it's time to compile the program

"Should I?" I asked him tiredly. He just hummed

I compiled the program and then tap it on run after not finding any error.

The circle which is indicating loading gave me anxiety. It took more than necessary time but....

It was all worth!

"It opened" I told him

"What really?" He asked excitedly. I murmured

"Great. Now fastly transfer all the data to your system and change the passwords of my system so they won't hack it once again" he said

"You think she didn't transferred to her personal system? " I asked him because it's been hours and there are high chances of data is already shared.

"She is smart but too much overconfident" he said while smirking I can feel that

I hummed and transferred all data to my system then deleted the data from his system and changed the password. I sighed deeply feeling relaxed and tired

"Done?" His voice caught me

"Hmm yeah! Anyways gotta go. Need to get ready for the wedding" I told him while stretching my hands because of long hours of typing they were paining

"Yeah okay. When you guys are coming back?" He asked

"Tomorrow evening. I will meet you around 7 with ayush" I informed him

"Yup. Fine" he said we hung up the phone.

I got up lazily and went towards my room. Once again I met with the silence don't know where she is I didn't even saw her while coming back. I am not sure why but I am getting an urge to see her. I wanted to see her right now. I just want a glimpse of her. Perhaps my tiredness will go away? Ugh what I am even thinking

I ignored my thinking and went to take a long warm shower. I came out and wear the white traditional kurta.

I went to wedding venue which is just outside of haveli. I was looking the information from my another trusted person. Instantly my ears got caught by the anklet voice. My breath hitched by the breathtaking view

The moment my sight fell on her my breathing stopped she is looking like a pure goddess in that lehenga not less than bride. The random lehenga I choose for her and she is slaying in it

I saw her after so many hours. Suddenly my heart felt as it is in peace. My all tiredness got vanished. She is looking so beautiful and elegant. Gorgeous.

It feels like I forgot breathing and just mesmerized in the essence of her beauty.

My first gift for my wife and it looks perfect on her feels like it meant for her

I heard ayush saying mischievously "muh band krle. Teri h hai"

And I realised I was actually got lost in her beauty who have no idea about me gazing at her or gawking at her

I smacked his head harshly and said

"Tu gaya nahi abhi tak?"

(So you haven't gone yet?")

"Ouch tu maar matt mujhe. I was about to go but just stopped seeing someone gawking at my bhabhi" he said playfully while rubbing his head

"That someone is her husband. She is mine. I can gawk, gaze, stare or whatever I can watch because SHE IS MINE" I stated him and he rolled his eyes and said while smirking

"Possessive much?"

I raised my hand to smack him once again and instantly he said while covering his head

"Arey mai Jaa Raha tha" he said and went towards his Jeep

("Hey, I was going")

I couldn't control my emotions and urges anymore I went towards her and dragged her towards a wall while keeping my hand on her mouth from back side. She was struggling to get out of my catch but not so soon biwi

I turned her towards me saw her widening her eyes in shock. I pinned her to the wall as I said huskily

"You took someone's breath away. Now you are under arrest"


Author pov

"I am on my way coming" a girl said

said hurriedly while driving her car. she said while by speeding her car. She is none but yes our second protagonist EZRA.

"Common yaar come fast or else you will be late for the wedding" the person who is other side on call said to her

"Dipti it's still 7 in the evening, I am coming" she said. So she is talking to her family friend DIPTI THAKUR.

"you maharani needs to get ready also na and Tera toh traditional kapdo se koi Lena dena hai nahi" she taunted her. Ezra just rolled her eyes

(You have nothing to do with traditional clothes)

{she is not a fond of traditional clothes}

"I am coming. Okay now bye" she said hanging her phone. She was driving in more than her normal speed. Suddenly her car got hit to a sharp stones. She came out of her car and saw her car tire got puncher

"Shit! Now how I am supposed to go. God please noooooo" she fake cried internally

She was looking here and there of her surrounding. Straight away her sight fell on a group of males

She took her phone out of car and went towards them. But stopped in the middle seeing them ragging a girl or worst they are upto something.

She thought for sometime what to do as she can't leave that girl all alone when she sence their intention are not good. An idea pop up to her mind she opened her camera

"Ayee, what you guys are doing? Leave her or else I will share this video on internet" she tried to threaten them her entire body was shivering due to fear

"Ae ladki koun hai tu band kar apna phone warna anjaam sahi nahi hoga"

(Hey girl, who are you? Switch off your phone otherwise the consequences will not be easy)

"No I will not until you leave her" she said indefatigably

"Di di please save me" the girl said her helplessly

The men talked with eachother through their eyes. They were 4 members. One of the member said

"Fine we will leave her. Give us your phone"

They all tried to come towards Ezra. The girl took advantage and run away from there. The same man said lustfully

"If not her then you. And I am sure you will taste better than her" Ezra got frightened more as she had no one to help her. To her bad luck her car is puncher. She is standing in a sunsaan gaali with wrong intention males

(deserted street/ silent road)

Ezra tried to ran towards the opposite direction of her car. Due to fear and shivering she wasn't able to run properly.

Suddenly she saw a Jeep was coming on her way. She came middle of the road to halt the jeep. But she heard a loud gunshot sound on her way

She fall on her place and she whispered



That's it for today guys hope you all like it. Let me know your reviews guys...!!

How was the chapter readers?

As I said I won't reduce the screen time of kiaan & Izna. Trust me I didn't infact I gave them more in this chapter it was 2200+ words only for them without any bc just their scenes

Frankly speaking I am excited for upcoming chapters as they are going to be more fun, loving, and spicy in future...!!!!!

So don't forget to vote, comment and do follow to stay connected guys.... let's interact!.

I decided t

he updating schedule as you all ask for updates and to be honest it makes me feel good like I feel you guys are liking my story. Thank you:))))

So the update schedule will be every SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY



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