8. Bike or Thar


Hope you all are doing fine! I made a slight changes in name of Ayaan Thakur as Ayushmaan Thakur

Please update krlo coz my close frnd bf name is Ayaan and I didn't known it at first and later on I didn't realised and moreover I made pair chhaya to him and guess what guys

Lol she is getting jealous over



And And And

I decided something, I'll update in my instgram check out there (don't worry I'll save it in highlights as Upcoming)

Now happy reading !!!

Kiaan pov

My sleep got disturbed by the sunlight. I tried to open my eyes lazily but felt someone's presence besides me, I tried to look  in my half asleep eyes. My eyes widened by the sight, my breath hitch.

It's the most beautiful sight I am seeing right now. She is looking damn so pure, innocent and goddess. She is literally clutching my biceps like her life depends on that only.

I am trying to stay away from her as much as I can but looks like the situation is not in my favour. I turned myself completely towards her. One of her thick hair was falling on her face, I tried to remove it slowly and calmly.

Suddenly I remembered her yesterday's childish behaviour damn she was literally sleeping in the dead end of the bed like I will eat her raw but now look who is sleeping besides me moreover clutching like her life depends on it.

I saw the time it was almost getting 6 in the morning so unfortunately I have to wake up, I am not sure why but I wanted to admire her more. I got up not before pecking her hairs softly and inhaling the smell of her hairs.

I saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My face had a small smile which is really unusual, even my inner self is feeling like it's in peace. I would love to have my morning like this forever.

I shrugged off all my crazy thoughts and took a quick shower and wore my simple white kurta as we have to go temple today. I came out & saw she is wide awake. She blinked her eyes innocently. Her eyes hold something to me since the first sight. Her brown eyes. She is actually looking lovable right now.

I internally cursed myself for behaving like a pervert. I told her with no emotions

"Get ready fast we have to leave early. Till then I will check out some work"

She nodded her head while blinking her eyes so innocently.

I went outside. Looked some arrangements and decided till the half road I'll take bike as it will be easy to return back also. It's not safe there in night time

After 45 mins I returned back to my room. Without knocking I entered the room and the sight I saw really hitched my breath. My mouth slightly opened. Her sight suddenly went on me and

"Aannnnn" she screamed and covered her front with her saree pallo

I lowered my eyes tightly shutting them and cursed myself internally for behaving really like a pervert

"Can't you knock before entering?" she said irritatingly

"Biwi ho tum meri" I said raising my head confidently

(You are my wife)

"Moreover this is my room also, can't you lock the door? Or you could have changed in bathroom?" I asked her

"No" she said I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

"I mean, I can't change in bathroom! I mean I am wearing a saree and I am already struggling to wear it" She said frustratingly

I moved towards her. She went backwards until she touched bed and about to fall. I hold her tightly and dragged her towards me. Her front touched my chest. It gives goosebumps.

"Wh-what are doing? Leave me"

She said

I realised I was holding her so closely. I left her hand and moved a little back. She corrected herself and said frustratingly

"What are doing here? Aren't you ashamed? Go from here I am half naked" she said which really looked so cute

"For your kind information you aren't naked biwi , you are wearing your blouse, the pallu is securely on you shoulders and Lock the door before changing. Now come here let me help you" I said her calmly and dragged her in the middle of the room

"No I can do it by mys-" she was about to say myself I kept my finger on her lips and

"Shh, you talk too much biwi" I said getting closure to her my finger were on her lips, I removed the finger

"Hold the pallu securely" I told her and went on my knees. YES THE KIAAN THAKUR WENT ON HIS KNEES FOR HIS WIFE. WOW.

I started correcting the messed up meeris and asked her

"You really don't know how to wear saree?"

"Noooooooo, I KNOW" She literally got offended by my words and I chuckled on her childish behaviour

"Is it? I don't think so, look how messed up they are" I showed her not so perfect meeris

"It- It anhhh it's fashion leave it. You don't know anything about ladies stuff" she said irritatingly not accepting her fault

"Believe me biwi, I know everything about ladies stuff" I said huskily.

"And about fashion, nice way to cover up"

She gulped by my words.

I raised my eyebrows to her  signalling to wear the meeris to tuck on her waist

She didn't understood my signal, to tease her I said

"What biwi? You want me to do it? Then it will be my pleasure to do it" I said and got up. I took my hand closure to her middle part of waist. She understood and snatched the meeris suddenly

By the sudden reaction my hand touched her naked waist slightly, which really sent me a jolt of current.

"No No No I'll do it by myself" she said terrifyingly. She tucked the meeris

"Thank you so much, I know how to wear saree, it just I need someone's help in meeris part. Now I can do rest, please can you wait outside, I just need to wear accessories"

I nodded my head and said with no emotions

"Do fast we need to leave early so that we can finish this drama soon"

My words really hurted her I know it very well. The way her expression changed when I said 'Drama' she felt hurt and it's aching my heart more.

I don't know why I said that may be to confirm myself I am just doing it for the sake of my family tradition.

I left outside. I saw Ayush approaching me.

"What happened?" I asked him

"Nothing just wanted to check do you need anything"

"No" I said putting my hands in my pockets

"Well it's look like weather is not going to be good today, so try to come early"

"Yeahh I will. Did Rakshit find the culprit"

"Nahh!!! He said, he is still investigating " he informed

"Hmm, tell him to do fast" I informed

"Yeahh, I will" he said

Suddenly we heard our door knob opening, we were Little far away from that. I once again had an intense eye contact with her. Her brown eyes were really something to me, I want to drown into them. They looks so empty, something incomplete in them,maybe sparkle? Well alot happened with her life too so its acceptable.

She is looking damn so pretty in that simple yet elegant saree. She is looking not less any goddess itself. That meeris looks so perfect on her and that pallo is securely placed on her left shoulder, she is looking so innocent, fierce, and like a goddess!!!

Haayeee everytime the way she blinks her eyes looking at me makes me want to protect her from this cruel world especially my own world!!!

My thoughts on her got broke when suddenly Ayush said

"She is actually beautiful for real. Looking like a pure goddess. Indeed she is perfect for you Kiaan. Fierce, courageous and beautiful"

I glared at him like why the fuck he is checking out my wife?

"Well I never expected she will be my bhabhi in our official second meet"

"Neither me. Now get lost" I told him while glaring at him

"Jealous? Well" He asked before I could reply he went towards her

"Hello bhabhi, well I hope you know me" he said while forwarding his hand to her in a hi-fi way mischievously

She hesitatingly forwarded her hand and gave him a hi-fi while saying

"Ofcourse I know you"

"Still let me introduce you my dear lovely bhabhi"

Whatttt??? Lovely and dear??? The fuck he is saying to my wife and why the fuck I am jealous

"You don't need to introduce her as she said she knows you, now move" I said him by sliding my arms to her waist, which I really love. It feels like her waist is meant to slide my arm, it fit perfect. Fuck what I am thinking

I shrugged my thoughts and said her with no emotions

"Come, we are getting late"

We reached to my bike. I was about to make her wear the helmet, her eyebrows were thinned in confusion. I asked her what happened by rising my eyebrows

"Are we really going in your bike?" She asked

"Yes. I mean till the half way, and the rest half we will walk and hope you know reason?" I asked her back

"Yes I know but I -I mean w-we" she stuttered

"I hate when people stutter" I said her emotionless

She got scared by my voice and my scaredy kitten said her words in one go


"What?" The only word came out of my mouth

"Sa-saree" I understood what she was trying to say and hell how can forget she won't be comfortable in sitting in

Pillion. But she can sit putting both legs on the side way

"You can sit sideways" I told her

"I never sat like that" she said pouting her lips, looking so cute

"What if I fall" she continued which I didn't let her complete

"Never. I'll never let you fall" I said softly. She blinked her eyes continuously

"I mean I'll drive slowly you won't fall" I suggested her

"Okay" she replied unsure of her answer

"If you want I can take Ayush Thar" I suggested her because she herself is not confident

"No it's fine let's go and I don't want helmet or else it will ruin my bun and flowers" she said cutely. The fuck why she is cute today

"Okay" all I could say is this

She sat carefully and was hesitant to hold me. Stupid girl, if she didn't hold then surely she will fall.

"Hold me" I told her. She hold my shoulder lightly, she is indeed stupid

"Tightly. Or else you'll fall" I Said her

"What??? But you said you won't let me fall" she said horrifiedly

I chuckled and replied

"That I'll surely"

Indeed I won't let her fall

I started the bike and went towards our destination


That's it for today guys. Hope you all like it!!!

How was the chapter


Another fan edit!!!!

This is the fan edit pictures!!!!!


TBH I never liked ai pictures but this??!!!! I loved it

How is it guys?

It's perfect for rn track na?!❤️

I loved it!!! Thank you 🫶🏻

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