4. Wedding

Izna pov

I was getting ready for my Wedding. Yes my wedding. Even I am shocked. I am in dilemma, I don't know what's happening with me. I heard Bhai was yelling at papa

"You can't do this with her papa, she is innocent. You can't let her marry with anyone"

"It's all happening because of you" my father yelled back at him

"It was all a misunderstanding papa, please try to understand. They will kill my sister" he was on the  verge of crying or probably already crying

"And what about you, you almost killed their sister , who knows she will ever wake up or not, I even warned you today Arnav that I will not tolerate any hurdles in my elections. I don't care whatever it is" my father roared to him

"For God sake father, she is your daughter" he yelled to him trying to make him understand but my father reply broking me completely


I was shattered completely. My tears were not stopping. I don't know to whom they are getting me married. My fear increased more when bhai said they will kill me. I am broken. Neither I can broke this marriage nor I can runaway from it. My death is confirmed by either decision.

My thoughts broke when I heard my father yelling  "Now bring her out, we are getting late. They must be waiting"

My mother & sister opened the door and looked at me with pity eyes. I bowed down my head as I don't want to make eye contact with anyone.


After sometime I was standing in a mandap beside my groom. I don't know who the groom is neither I dunno he knows about me or not.

My face was covered in a long veil.

The wedding rituals started. I am crying. I want to disappear from this world. The constant fear is eating me. My overthinking is not leaving me 'who is he?' 'will he kill me?' 'does my father never loved me?' 'am I so unlucky that I never got my father love?' my all thinking just stopped at a question mark. I had no answer for it.

Now we are taking pheras. Due to my constant silent cries and I didn't had eaten anything since the morning. I stumbled. I felt like darkness is consuming me and I got almost faint but suddenly someone hold me from my waist. He is my groom. He hold me tightly and I corrected myself and we continue to take rest pheras

{Pheras: promises the groom and bride make to each other for all their eternity together}

He made me wear mangalsutra. His hands touched my neck, my body shivered. It felt so different.

{Mangalsutra: Nuptial chain(auspicious thread)}

Now its time for sindoor ritual. My mumma removed my veil till my forehead. I didn't dared to look up. He didn't made any moment. He was frozen, I don't know why. Now it started to gossip in the surrounding like 'why he is not making any movement' 'did he changed his mind' 'why he is not filling her maang(her middle head partition)'

{Sindoor: vermillion}

I looked up to see why he is not filling vermillion. The moment I met his eyes I froze. He rise his hand to fill my maang but not understanding is he really kiaan or am I hallucinating him, I raised my hand by that force mine & his hand touched and vermillion dropped on my nose while filling. Now I am officially his.

Did I got married to kiaan? Did I really got married to my enemy? Did my father fixed my marriage to his rival son? BUT WHY? I had loads of questions which are unanswerable.

The wedding rituals completed I cried while hugging to my mumma, my sister & Bhai. He even apologized and I don't know why he apologized! As far papa I don't think so he care about me. I was missing my soul sister, my Priya. She is not here infact she don't know about my marriage. Even I didn't knew that I am getting married today.


Now I am with kiaan in their car, probably going to their home. So I am officially married women right now with my enemy. He didn't said a word neither did I dared to utter a word. But my tears are real traitor of me, they are continuously flowing. Now my head started to pain. Too much happened today.


His mother welcomed me. She is actually sweet but not even a single person is happy seeing me. They are unbothered to welcome. All I can see is hate towards me. I am scared. Not even my husband is with me. I am alone standing their. A lady is completely giving me a negative vibe by her looks it's clear if she gets a chance she will kill me.

"Dipti take her to kiaan's room" his mother broke my chain of thoughts and a girl came forward to take me to his room, so she is Dipti but what is her relation with me? I don't know their names, their relation towards me. I saw 4 boys. Two of them just want to kill me and two of them had no expression.

I reached infront of a room which is big but had no colours, pictures or anything. It is not even decorated as it supposed to be. I am not complaining even I don't consider this marriage but still. Well my marriage had no rituals except this mehendi. I looked towards my hands which is dark right now. I don't know why it's dark when I kept it for only 1.5hrs. I saw a word 'K' in my hand it's even more dark, why didn't I noticed this before?

"Umm bhab-bhabhi" she even hesitated to call me bhabhi, and I can completely understand. I nodded to her to continue her words

"Bhabhi, this is bhai's room, you go & rest" so she is his sister. I was about to talk to her but she immediately Left.

Now I am completely alone in this big room. It had only boyish things. I roamed in his room but didn't dare to touch anything . I don't know what to do so I just sat on bed, it felt so soft. I thought to give this marriage a chance afterall I have to live here forever.

I was waiting for my husband to come. I heard a door knob. I was expecting it's my husband so I didn't dare to look up. Suddenly a hand tightly grabbed my neck more like it's choking me. My tears started to flow.

"You bitch"

An anguish & hateful voice came. I hold his hand to save myself, I look up & got shocked. He is that same guy who was standing downstairs and looking like to kill me probably now he is doing.

"You bitch, you were supposed to be my bride but nevermind now I'll kill you and will take my revenge" he tighten his hands. I dunno what he is saying, how I was supposed to marry him & what revenge, what I did to him. He almost killed me. I think now it's my end.

"DARSH. LEAVE HER." suddenly I heard a strong roaring voice. He loosen his hands and I started to cough so badly, I don't know what they talked now. My saviour is none but  my husband, my kiaan.

He dragged him outside. Tears Well up in my eyes. Now I am actually scared, I am not safe here. Bhai was right they will kill me. Will my husband will be my saviour always like he was now? I clutched my hands to my chest.

After sometime kiaan entered the room he observed me keenly. His gaze were soft somewhere I was expecting him to talk me nicely and console me. But suddenly his eyes turned dark and said heart piercing words

"I told you never ever cross the fucking path of mine, ever"

"You are nothing to me. Just a forcibly wife!! I will destroy you & you're entire family. I will make your life a living hell, you'll beg for death & you'll not get it easily because now YOU ARE MINE TO KEEP OR TO KILL"

He said broking all my remaining hopes and left. I clutched myself tightly because I was scared what if someone again come and try to kill me. The thoughts are haunting me.

And I don't know when sleep consumed me.


That's it for today guys. Hope you guys liked it.

So they are officially married now, you may guys have a confusion. Don't worry next chapter will be KIAAN'S POV.

Their wedding outfits. It's actually decided through the people who view my Instagram story. So follow me on their to even see all chapters aesthetics "author_zey" (username of ig same as watty)

One more thing to see their wedding video I have uploaded a real, check out you guys will like it *wink*

how was the chapter readers?

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You guys know,I just like just now I lost chapter 5 500+ words. Like srly I thought to give double update but it all went in vain. I have to rewrite everything. 500+ words are really huge but I can't do anything

*phew* I feel like

crying 😭.

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