1. Takrar

English is not my first language. Sorry in advance if there is any grammatical mistakes.

Give a chance to this book guys you may not understand at first or feel like bore but it's just a chapter 1, you will love it in future, so give me some support and love to my characters❤️

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Note: If you see the name 'ayaan' anywhere don't get confuse Ayaan & Ayushmaan (Ayush) are same person

Happy reading!!!


"There is no such thing exist as love"

The bike stopped suddenly at the college, and a handsome boy with a sarcastic smile on his lips said, as his friends were taking about love. In his appearance, the age of the guy is around 21-22. Fair skin, tall around 6'2 feet, in a biker jacket and was looking very attractive and charming.

He removed his helmet

"Ohh common, kiaan. You are the only one who don't give a chance to other girls, you have no idea how many girls are ready to give them to you, some are already fallen for you so hard. You are the one who is rude with others" a girl said.

This guy is none other KIAAN. Kiaan Thakur, the elder son of THAKUR PARIVAAR & the leader of HELL RIDERS.

'' ohh so according to you, that is love? Which they do only for my LOOKS, MONEY & POWER" kiaan said in a sarcastic way.

" Look this is what I said?" She said in a irritated way

"What?" He asked

"Attitude & Rudeness" she replied

Then he just rolled his eyes

Suddenly a boy interrupted who is none other than AYUSHMAAN THAKUR, Elder son of Harish Thakur. Well-wisher and best brother of Kiaan. "Now shut up guys, stop fighting" and pointing towards kiaan he said " don't worry brother, you'll also find your girl, who will not love you but your soul"

He rolled his eyes and said "Not possible "

"Okay guys, are we going into the classroom or THERE" another voice came which belongs to none other than RAKSHITH RAO who is like a brother from another mother to both Kiaan & Ayaan. He said the last like in asking something in an indirect way.

"There means where?" A girl said who first argued with kiaan.

"None of your business" came a short and asap reply from kiaan

"Youu-" she was about to say something but got interrupted by Ayaan.

"Baby, he(Rakshit) was just saying about bike race"

"Chhaya - her name is  chhaya" Rakshit informed Ayush, because of that cringe nickname he gave her 'baby'. So that the girl name is chhaya and she is none other the girlfriend of Ayaan Thakur.

"What's your problem? Idiot. " Ayaan asked rakshit as he got irritated, and he even know the reason.

"Because that was cringe" he said by referring baby 

"Agree" came a asap comment of  kiaan.

"When you both will fall in love with any girl truly, then you guys will understand, in love there is nothing exist like cringe" Ilma said by side hugging Ayaan with a sweet smile, Ayaan pecked her head.

"Just because she is your girlfriend and you are in love with her, we have to tolerate her and moreover she is still standing here alive " kiaan said in a serious voice

"Kiaannnn" Ayush warned him by having a eyes talk with him like 'you will not do anything like that'

He just rolled his eyes and said 

" Today we are going into college, let's see what's happening inside"

(P.S the college is itself owned by the Thakur's)


On the other hand, a girl was roaming here and there more like waiting for someone at the entrance of the college, by her facial expression it can confirm that, she is tensed.

Suddenly a voice caught her "sorry sorry priyu Mai late hogyi"

So she is Priya, Priya Sharma, the bff more like a soul sister of Izna Verma.

"Kahan thi izu yaar?" She asked to her soul sister who just arrived and Little bit late too. And she is none other than IZNA VERMA.

by her appearance she looks extremely beautiful, elegant, and just looking like a wowwwwww. Fair skin complexion, her height is around 5'4 . She was neither short nor extremely tall.but she was short comparison to someone*hehe*

"Yaar it was not my fault, Bhai ki galti hai. He made me late" she said by making her hair presentable, as she came hurriedly

"Shut up don't blame Arnav Bhai, you should have come early afterall it's our first day" she said by defending him. He is Arnav, Arnav verma, one & only and elder son of Sunil Verma.

"Technically yes, it was not bhai's fault, partly Bhai's and partly papa ki" she replied by getting upset.

"Uncle?" She asked with the mix expression of angry and worried.

"Hmm" she replied.

"He doesn't even deserved to be called as  father yaar, he is a Ravan" she said by getting angry as she knows well about his nature

"Don't call him Ravan, afterall he is my father" she said by showing her fake anger

"Yeahhh whatever, a typical obedient Ghar ki badi beti(elder daughter) " she said by rolling her eyes

"Shut up" she said by laughing a little at her not so good compliment

"Okay fine, but what was the reason for today's drama?" She asked

"Anh, you know na, papa is against of me studing and following my passion, he just wants me to get married and get out of that house more like a hell. But not completely obviously my Bhai, my mumma and my Aishu also lives there, he never cared of me priyu, he doesn't give a damn shit, if I am live or not, you know Mumma used to say he hated me when I was born, he wanted to kill me, but it was mumma stopped him,but the main reason was the outer world got to know that it was a girl and as he wanted to save his a good and well wisher image afterall he is a political and can't lose a single vote as Thakur's were used to give him a strong compensation or we can say still. But I am glad he atleast care about my Aishu " she said by getting upset as she didn't got a fatherly love from her father and by recalling her old memories she felt like about to cry, even a tear escaped from her one eye, by wiping her tear she smiled and said about her younger sister as she got her part of fatherly love.

"And Bhai was not letting me get out of the as I didn't did my breakfast. He said 'izu tu already boht kamzor hoti Jaa Rahi hai(You are already becoming very weak) so you should eat more and healthy food' so that's why I got late" she said the morning incident which happened with her brother

"He did right, afterall you should wake up early and It's okay meri Izuuu, you will get all your left over love from your husband, afterall whoever  will marry you will be the luckiest person alive on  the earth" she said by hugging her.

"Maybe, but I know one thing, that marriage is a pure thing which is filled with love and love only and I hope that I get my Love just like my FICTIONAL MAN love his girl" she said with a sweet smile

"Yess, you'll get meri jaan " she said by teasing her

"Now shut up and let's go, aren't you late anymore?" She asked

"Ohhh my godd yes we are, let's go let's go " she said by dragging her.

They both laughed at each other.


There was a Chaos in a corridor. Because Rakshit was beating a student "how dare you to bully our men, hnn don't you know to whom he belong" he asked. He was looking so furious.

Suddenly kiaan interrupted and punched him so hard  and said in a calm yet dangerous voice "remember this punch before committing something wrong which makes me to kill you"

"You are forgetting kiaan, I am right right hand man of Rohan" he tried to threaten him with someone name

Then suddenly he punched him more and so hard that his nose and mouth started to bleed " Coward. You and your boss both" he shot him a death glare.

Suddenly a sweet and melodious voice caught him "hey bullying is wrong you can't do this!!" He looked at her and mesmerized by her beauty and innocence she had

He thought just by looking at her it can easily identify that 'she is hell scared and still showing are courageous act. Her beauty ,her innocence is doing something to me I dunno what but I want to drown into her brown eyes. She is looking like a buttercup. My buttercup. '

{ Buttercup means - yellow wildflower.

sweet, charming, innocent, attractive & delightful}

As he didn't said anything she got little more courage and stood infront of him and asked again "you should apologise him, look he is even bleeding, how can anyone be so heartless" she said by looking at the injured guy with worried expression.

Suddenly kiaan went closer to her by looking at her, it looks like he is not looking at her but her soul and for that she stumbled and went back until she touched wall, and no more space for her to move.

"Were saying something buttercup?" He asked in a husky voice to her by looking into her eyes

"I-I " she stuttered while talking as it was already creating a sexual tension between them

"I was say-saying ki you should apo-" she was about to say ' apologise to him' but got interrupted by him

"Yes what, buttercup?" And moved little more closer to her


I hope you guys liked first chapter, even if not don't worry it was just a start, trust me the story will get more intresting and spicy in the future. Just give a chance...and please vote and comment your thoughts on it.

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ected*puppy eyes*

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It really took me two days and many hours to complete it,because

"Beginning are always the hardest"

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